candi joneth

Candi Joneth is a writer, philosopher and agriculturist - living, researching and writing from the cold coast of Maine. She has a B.Sc. in Sustainable Agriculture, Philosophy minor, from the University of Massachusetts – Amherst and is currently pursuing a Master of Liberal Arts (ALM) in Creative Writing and Literature from Harvard Extension School. She is a News Contributor for newspapers held by Maine-OK Enterprises: Boothbay Register, Wiscasset Newspaper and PenBay Pilot.

Current projects include Margo Falls, a novel of literary fiction and From Away, an autofiction novel set in the Tennessee Valley.

Philosophical interests include philosophy of science, epistemology, AI ethics, and philosophy of mind - particularly the intersection of philosophy of mind and perceptions of self in light of neurological advancement and AI, and the subsequent implications on objective truth. On Self, a collection of braided essays, is the product of a 30-year pursuit of knowledge, consideration, re-consideration, over-consideration, and elusive conclusions.